Saturday 13 July 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!!! Hope you had a nice day. I am working night shifts now so a little disoriented. If you were up at this time I'd give you a call but hopefully you are nicely settled for the night. we are heading off tomorrow to meet up with Greg, Michelle, Alyssa and Nick. we will fly into Frankfurt on Sunday and then drive down to Assisi to visit all of them as well as Grant and family and Ann and Joan at the convent. We haven't seen Greg for almost three months now and are a little excited for that. He has found a new special friend so we are also looking forward to meeting her.After our visit with Ann and Joan for a couple of days, we will be heading to Venice for about 5 days and then up to Berlin. We will then tour around that area for the remainder of the week and then be back to Canada at the end of July. Hopefully I will be able to post a few pictures while we are away. Avery and I are planning a quick little trip to Salt Spring on the 25-26 or 26-27 of August. I have a few days off between working weekends so we will take the adventure to the coast. Doug will be back at camp and Phil will be working and the rest will remain in Europe for awhile. Phil has been working 18 hour days building beautiful decks, this will be nice for him to have a couple of weeks off. Hope all is well with you and we will be in touch, love...carol

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